Each diamond has its own special story.
Formed deep within the earth under extreme heat and pressure. Even though as of today diamonds are the strongest element known to man it’s important to understand they are mined after enduring in unbelievable conditions. Therefore, you can often find different types of inclusions inside, for example black or white spots. A “unique birthmark” if you like.
After being assessed at the lab by professionalists (I usually prefer GIA) for its internal and external imperfections the diamond gets a clarity grade.
Divided to six categories (see table below) as flawless (FL) the highest purity and considered extremely rare, so much that most diamantaires haven’t ever seen one. Lower clarity grade means more imperfections therefore its total value decreases.
Most common clarity grades are VS and SI.
I1 is determined as one of the lowest clarity grades. Sometimes you can even see the inclusions with a bare eye without magnification, therefore many people prefer to avoid having this type of diamonds and go for higher clarity.
However higher clarity means its costs more and not all clarity grades always look the same. With the right research and guidance, you can often find a case where a diamond gets a low clarity and price tag, but the inclusions are small and pleasant so not visible on naked eye, for that we use the phrase “eye clean”. Sounds like a great opportunity to make a smart purchase and get a great value for your money.
especially in the fancy color domain, not like in colorless diamonds, good color and intensity are considered far more important qualities to look for.
After we understood the process of diamond formation and that inclusions are most likely to occur within them, we will always prefer them not to be at the center of the stone but at the girdle or the pavilion area, where usually its less noticeable and can be easily hidden when in a jewel.
Cover photo by Sotheby’s.